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How To Turn Anger Into Poetry​
An inspiring guide that unlocks the power of turning anger into positive energy through poetry. The author, Jacalyn Eyvonne, offers an approachable guide to transforming raw rage into something creative by teaching her methods to transform emotions into beautiful, artful pieces with step-by-step instructions for word puzzlers, brainstorming techniques, and much more!
This book encourages readers to move from feeling overwhelmed with anger to being in control of their emotions by understanding the source of their anger and how to use it as a building block for using the power of words to move from a place of anger to creating something beautiful.
When it comes to expressing emotions, poetry has always been a powerful medium. By writing poetry, we can not only vent our anger constructively, but we can also gain insight into ourselves and the situations that trigger us. Inside, you’ll find exercises exploring self-expression through word capture, poetry examples, and activities that help you effectively work through those moments of anger or sadness, discover how to use words to express your feelings and help harness the strength inside anger.
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Raw - Honest - Real
Struggling through a life filled with disappointments, abuse, and racism, Jacalyn Eyvonne pens for the man or woman who loved hard, giving everything to the wrong person, and for those who experienced abuse, toxic marriages, illness, or childhoods filled with laughter and sadness. And for moms and dads rearing sons and daughters while unsettled fear lives within you and them because of their skin color. She was the lover, wife, and mother, surviving through these multiple experiences from girlhood to motherhood to womanhood. These fragments of her life have shaped her into the woman she is today.
Strange Things Happen At Midnight
Get Your Scare On!
Strange Things Happen At Midnight combines heart-pounding suspense, mystery, and horror that will give you goosebumps. You'll never see the twists coming in the creepy dark tales for readers who like a touch of the macabre—this chilling mix of short story thrillers will keep you guessing until the end. Prepare yourself for a long night.
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